



2005年、昭和大学卒業。昭和大学藤が丘病院、聖隷横浜病院、富士吉田市立病院にて腎臓・透析診療に従事。2014年4月、福島県立医科大学臨床研究イノベーションセンターフェローに就任。同年京都大学大学院社会健康医学系医療疫学分野修士課程に進学し2016年修了。その他、京都大学臨床研究者養成プログラム(MCR)や2015年ハーバード公衆衛生大学院 Principles and Practice of Clinical Research (PPCR)にて臨床研究リテラシーを習得している。2017年4月より昭和大学医学部内科学講座腎臓内科学部門(藤が丘病院)。

米国内科学会上級会員(Fellow of American College of Physician)


  1. Nishiwaki H, Hasegawa T, Ikenoue T, Tominaga N, Yazawa M, Kawarazaki H, Shibagaki Y, Yamamoto Y, Fukuma S, Yamazaki S, Fukuhara S. Association between post-dialysis hemoglobin level and the survival of vascular access. J Vasc Access [in press].
  2. Imaizumi T, Hasegawa T, Nomura A, Sasaki S, Nishiwaki H, Ozeki T, Shimizu H, Minatoguchi S, Yamakawa T, Yazawa M, Uchida D, Kawarazaki H, Miyamoto M, Suzuki T, Koitabashi K, Furusho M, Fujita Y. Association Between Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia and Hospital Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients With Bloodstream Infection: A Multicenter Cohort From Japanese Tertiary Care Centers. Ther Apher Dial. 2017 May 12. [Epub ahead of print]
  3. Sasaki S, Hasegawa T, Kawarazaki H, Nomura A, Uchida D, Imaizumi T, Furusho M, Nishiwaki H, Fukuma S, Shibagaki Y, Fukuhara S; Japanese investigatOrs with Innovative Network for Kidney Disease: JOINT-KD. Development and Validation of a Clinical Prediction Rule for Bacteremia among Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients in Outpatient Settings. PLoS One. 2017 Jan 12;12(1):e0169975.
  4. Uchida D, Sasaki S, Kawarazaki H, Miyamoto M, Nomura A, Koitabashi K, Nishiwaki H, Shibagaki Y; Japanese InvestigatOrs with Innovative NeTwork about Kidney Disease (JOINT-KD). Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Is Not an Indicator of Bacteremia in Hemodialysis Patients With Native Accesses: A Multicenter Study. ASAIO J. 2017 Jul/Aug;63(4):501-506.
  5. Takada T, Nishiwaki H, Yamamoto Y, Noguchi Y, Fukuma S, Yamazaki S, Fukuhara S. Impact of the new risk stratification in the 2011 Japanese Society of Nephrology clinical guidelines for IgA nephropathy on incidence of early clinical remission with tonsillectomy plus steroid pulse therapy. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2015 Aug;19(4):646-52.
  6. Nishiwaki H, Hasegawa T, Nagayama Y, Kaneshima N, Takayasu M, Hirose M, Komukai D, Inoue Y, Koiwa F, Yoshimura A. Absence of mesangial C1q deposition is associated with resolution of proteinuria and hematuria after tonsillectomy plus steroid pulse therapy for immunoglobulin a nephropathy. Nephron. 2015;130(1):1-7.